But I had paintings. A bunch of them. Some up in my Etsy shop, some in a pile in my studio. And I thought what if I sold the paintings to raise money? I figured it was a win-win -- people could get great art, donate to a cause, and I could clear out some space.
I've been following the news about the earthquake in Nepal, seen pictures of the devastation to not only their cultural landmarks and infrastructure, but the people left adrift, homeless. It breaks my heart, and I wish I could go do something to help.
I'm in the process of moving again, my grand adventure continuing on, and thus don't have any extra money to spare. In fact, I'm living off my inheritance from my mother's passing and trying to make it stretch. Here's a moment of honesty: I don't have any income. There are a couple people in the Inspiration Ink club, but that's it. I'm sure I'll see a tumbleweed breeze through my Etsy shop any moment now.
(And in the past, this would have upset me, made me jaded and sad and wondering what is wrong with what I'm making that I can't make any sales? But now? I'm just applying for part time work & disability & trying very hard to stay positive.)
The point is, I have a bunch of smaller pieces to sell & will be donating 50% of every sale to charity. I've found two that I like - 25% of every sale will go to DirectRelief for medical supplies, and 25% to Global Giving to help those displaced by the event get clean water, food, fuel, etc. Both these charities have excellent ratings and are already there on the ground. Let's help them out a bit, huh?
This is just my little way of trying to help.
Shop Etsy here.
hop via Facebook here.
I will be doing this through next week, or when everything is sold. This includes everything in my Etsy shop. But not the shop here on my site. Make sense?