{ wheeee! paintings and purses and pages galore! }

Watch out! I got a new digital camera, so this post is image-heavy!

I was on live cam for 5 1/2 hours yesterday!! Phew! It was tons of fun -- first, the party hosted by Suzi, then working on projects and such while jammin' to some tunes. It kept me working because I knew people were watching! HAHA. If only I had that accountability all the time! *laughs* I'm still sick, though...coughing and all that. It's moved into my throat; I haven't had a sore throat and swollen glands like this since I was a kid....

First, the finished products of what I worked on yesterday.

even faeries have cell phones

"Even Faeries Have Cell Phones"
Mixed-Media on foam board

Yes, foam board. Because it was the only thing big enough in my room for this drawing. I am SO HAPPY with how this turned out...I have a whole bunch of ideas (and as I'm home sick, I shall sketch some more modern faeries!). I love when I make something I love. She's willing to go to a loving home, though, and would love to answer your text messages for you...won't you let her come to stay?

fly high above the clouds

Here's the tote! Cute, ne?! The embroidery around the wings took FOREVER...sorry if you were watching during that!

And I FINALLY took pictures of my pages in Dawn's 1000 Artists' Journal Pages. I was so giddy to see these in there...I sent the journals off eons ago! And she listed Page by Page in the resources section. How cool is that?!

1000 journal pages -- 11000 journal pages -- 21000 journal pages - 3

Journal Pages!!!! WHEEE! The journal I'm using was originally bought for 2008...and then I stopped using it. A few weeks ago, I found it, and I'm really in love with it. It has a fake suade cover, has nice paper, and is the perfect size for me (7x9). When you hold it in your hands, it FEELS like a journal. So lovely. I'm in love. Love love love!! <3 <3 <3 <3 So here are some pages for you to enjoy. See ya soon!!!!



crown jewel

cute backpack

(I really had a backpack like that!!!)