{a new name, a new look, a new me}

You may have sensed this coming for awhile. The name (a girl and her journal) has been retired, and (journal girl) has made her debut.

I read somewhere that, in Japan, when an artist goes from apprentace to master, or ascends to a new level of art or conciousness in their work, they change their name. It is a reflection of the new work that is to be produced, and the next level of their never-ending quest for mastery of such beautiful arts.

The name was originally used as the publishing "company" behind Page by Page (which will soon be getting it's own page, once again, here on the site). And I've been using it as a semi-moniker for awhile now. When I wanted to move from a hosted blog to my own domain, (a girl and her journal) seemed a bit long, so I chose this one: journalgirl.com. And I've been using the email address for awhile, now.

I am so sorry things got lost over the last week. While I'd originally intended to have the blog move to this, the top domain, I couldn't figure it out, so placed it on a subdomain. I know you get lost. And that is all my fault. But we are never moving again. My blog, that is, the blog of Samantha Kira Harding, will forever be located here. I have gone from wild experimentation and no confidance in my art to a woman sure of herself and what she is creating.

This is largely due to you. I have not been shy in writing about my fears and insecurities, and have come to find a small, lovely, amazing community that has brought me to where I am today.

The move comes at the same time as a change of conciseness in my life. I used to see myself as young, that is, still teenager-ish...early twenties, rebellious, never putting together outfits, caring about my appearance, carrying messenger bags and simply existing. But lately, I have felt a shift, the world breaking apart beneath my feet. I have a tiny dream of becoming a make-up artist. I carry a proper -- though funky -- purse. I want to look good, feel good, and be self-assured. I want to see myself not as a girl or young lady, but as a woman.

It is such a powerful word, powerful change. I am a woman. I am grown and ready to take on the world. Ready to change it with my art and these lessons and thoughts and ideas inside of me. Yes, I am a tiny voice in a large pond, but I'm going to shout with all my might.

You can be creative. You can draw and paint and make beautiful works of art. All those things teachers told you, what friends told you, they're all lies. You are a creative person! A beautiful creation. And, if you'll let me, I'll take your hand and show you the way.