the journey. 6"x9" mixed media. available.
How are ya? Things going well?
Here in the Kira Studio, I've been working away on journal pages, little paintings, and other assemblage projects. I'm trying to get things scanned and cataloged before it's all packed away. One of the issues I'm having is that I have too many paintings just hanging around! Well, not really -- they're tucked in a box with my completed journals. While I ADORE painting, they certainly do take up more space than a journal page!
I've also been thinking a lot about the products and supplies I use and their impact on the environment as well as myself. After posting one of my videos, Kelly Kilmer emailed me, concerned about how I use my hands to paint a lot. She warned me of the dangerous chemicals in some of the colors, told me which ones to avoid (cadmium and chromium) and suggested I use a hand barrier cream that would protect my hands (and is a damn nice moisturizer!).
Yesterday, I read through Karen Michel's book, Green Guide for Artists, surprised by some of the chemicals and compounds in the stuff I use! Like petroilum as a binder in acrylics, the dangers of some pigments, and VOCs. While I don't think I'll go as far as her and make my own paints, etc, I am now working next to an open window, using the barrier cream, and really paying attention to what I'm using.
I think this may be a complication created by not ever taking an art class to learn these basics. I want to have fun and try new things, but I also want to be mindful of what's going on my skin, what I'm breathing in, and what's going into the air. I think we ALL can take steps to do this -- stay healthy and creative, my dears!
I've uploaded a BUNCH of paintings to flickr. All but one is available for purchase, price negotiable (ie, what you can afford!). They really, really love living here, but want to explore the world, too!