Welcome to week three of Points of Two! This week, Roben-Marie and I decided to focus on our word for year. Be sure to check out her blog for her thoughts behind the page.
I’ve been thinking about what word would guide me through the year every since I saw Ali Edwards’ post around the holidays discussing her own word-choice mission. She says:
One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities.
I’ve never really been able to keep new years’ resolutions because I usually forget what they are a month or two in, or, if having failed for a few weeks, decide just to give up. But near the end of last year, I realized what amazement could come out of a year long project, and knew this was something I had to tackle.
A few months ago, I had a sort of spiritual re-awakening, an event that prompted me to get a tattoo on my wrist. I felt I needed a visual reminder of the stride I’d made, something to catch my eye and say:
“Calm down, Kira. Pray. Believe. Live in the present. You’re never alone.”
Putting that intention into the tattoo, a word itself with several meanings to me, allows me to quickly re-align and remember what I know in my heart but forget when in the hustle and bustle of daily life.
I feel a word with intention for this year would do the same thing (though I won’t be getting a tattoo of this one...imagine how many that would be for the years to come!).
While browsing Ali’s posts on her word, I discovered Christine Kane’s Word-of-the-Year Discovery Tool and promptly printed it out. This worksheet gets you to REALLY think about the word you’ve chosen and what it means to you, why you’ve chosen it, and how it can help you break past whatever’s held you back in the past.
Ali has a wonderful list of words suggested by her readers, and Christine’s worksheet helps you figure things out. I really recommend you take advantage of these resources -- I feel so much clearer about what I’m working towards this year and feel things may be easier (emotionally, at least!).
This also shows how much thought can go into one journal page that the world may never see!
& Roben-Marie's delicious hybrid page (isn't she marvelous with the hand & computer pages?).
Next Week: my new four-day posting schedule. Yes! Almost daily updates of DIY, product reviews, live vlog shows, journal pages, and more Points of Two!