{points of two week #5: around the house. i found a dreamcatcher from 5th grade.}


Points of Two is an experiment in journaling with myself and Roben Marie! Check out our archives to see the previous weeks' pages.

This week, our assignment was to find something around the house that had special meaning to us.

My object was a dusty purple dreamcatcher. My best friend Nancy gave it to me, and -- oh, click on the image above to get it big enough for you to read my story. I really should go on Facebook to find her, but I'm sure she's either a. married by now, or b. I'm totally spelling her long last name wrong. Could be either. I'm banking on b.

For this page, I decided to just PLAY. And I put a scrapbooking paper up there under the blue paint, a big chunk of paper, and I hated it. So I painted over the whole thing and wrote with ink just to be sure it was covered to my liking.

The photo came out really white, so I blended it the best I could with white paint. After that, I started putting down random scraps, and used the water in my cup and some leftover glaze from the first layer to tune down the stark white of the little placecard thingy I wrote on. Used my finger and the last of the paint to smush all over the scraps and tie them in to the whole page. Overall? I like it. And the photo totally blends, so extra points for me!

Here's Roben-Marie's page. Head on over to her blog for her story.

Have you signed up for the Wish Journal Workshop yet?


It's a fun & easy technique based class that has you playing with collage, getting paint on your fingers, and binding your very own journal. If you're new to journaling, it's easy to follow and will help you get the jump start you need. And if you're an old hat at journaling, there are edits and additions that will help make the journal purely your own.

Tons of videos, a detailed PDF, and support from yours truly. And all for $20! Get the details at the link above or as away in the comments. Class starts 2/22/10, but you can sign up at any time!