{a mish-mash of welcome back stuff!}

I had intented on posting pictures from First Friday, but my brother, who flew in late last week and has since gotten the desktop back up and running (can we say horay for that!) left earlier with my little dongle that lets me plug my memory card into my desktop. Alas, you shall have to survive today's blog post with shots from the studio. 

I know. We can get through this, together. 

As you see, the desktop has been ressurected from near death due to, perhaps, contracting the only Mac virus known to man. I have all my things backed-up, but they have to stay on the second hard drive since restoring the old settings only crashes the whole thing. We went through 12 OS reinstalls before we figured that one out. 

I feel like this post is just a mish-mash of things that have happened. Tomorrow, you'll get actual thought and theme -- I've discovered mind-mapping thanks to Violette, and have all sorts of stuff planned out for my little corner of the web. 

As I type this, I'm converting video files on my netbook so I can edit them together on the desktop. It is a long process, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow to view it. 

Still cooking up journaling and paintings like a mad scientist let loose in a Jo-Ann Fabrics (which will happen shortly). I've got so many amazing ideas I can't wait to share, and see it all coming together in something more like a book than a simple online class. I will, however, be doing the online version of it coming this summer. 

(I just love summer for creative ventures, for lazy days and warm air and dips in the pool.)

I'm totally going for a list at this point:

1. The DVDs for the Button Journal Workshop are shipping tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled for 'em! 

2. Through the Lens starts this May. I've reworked it to be a self-paced class, making it easier for you to absorb all the information. There will, of course, be an online forum for you to post questions and results. It's a really awesome class for those of you looking to learn how to make videos of your art. 

3. I'm putting together collage packs. I loved getting my first one of these about 5 years ago, and am aiming to re-create the experiance. Look out for them this week -- papers, trims, buttons, threads, bits, color....all kinds of awesome stuff, both found, purchased, and made! 

I totally need to get moving! Being a night owl is fun, but stores don't really conform to my schedule! See ya tomorrow with a real post.