Pay What You Can Mini-Class: Art Journal Diary!

 Hi loves!

Happy Memorial Day! 

I'm spending my day relaxing, sketching, and diving into my journal. It's felt a little neglected as of late, so I decided I'd take today off and play! We had our BBQ yesterday, so today's just for fun. 

I have vets in my family, and friends who are vets, and I'm going to dedicate a page to them in rememberance of their service and sacrifice. 

But here's the big news: I'm doing something to help YOU! 

I was looking at the most-recent lesson for Journaling Deep and reading through my groups on Facebook, and decided that there was a need for the lesson outside the scope of our little group of journalers wanting to dive deeper into their journal practices. 

So I decided to make it available to everyone via donation!

For me, living with a chronic illness is a daily game of "What did I do differently today that made me feel _______?" Whether it's feel better, have more pain, or a higher level of fatigue... 

And I'm really bad at keeping track of my daily symptoms depsite doctors and educated friends saying I should!

So I decided to create a journal dedicated to chronicalling my health every day. And I wanted to make it colorful and artful and cheerful to work in. And easy! Because some days, we are tired, or don't have a ton of energy, or have no time! So why not create something where I could fill in the blanks and still do a bit of art?!

But this project isn't just for this -- if you have anything in your life you'd like to chronicle: a home improvement project, a new baby, an exercise & diet plan -- then this little mini-class will give you ideas on how to put together a journal to do just that!

Make tracking your life easy and fun with this project! 

There's 30 minutes of HD video instruction, a companion PDF with more information and ways to use this project, and pages of printables made just for you to cut out and use in your own journals! 

Pay what you can! 

This bunch of materials would usually go for about $10. But I know this is a project that will benefit some of you with less, so give what you can -- whether it's $5 or $2 or even $100. :D

So if you're curious as to what we do every week in Journaling Deep, or are looking for a way to journal your daily life, this is a great deal for you!

All done! Save your pennies; I'm developing a more in-depth version of this class for release in August! 

PLEASE NOTE: because of the way my PayPal account is set up, you'll be redirected to my online shoppe. Do NOT try to log in there for the course. You will recieve an email from me --  This is a manual process, so please give me 12-24 hours to send your invite and approve your membership.  Please let me know if you're already a member @ The Studio & send me the email address you used to join in the Message section. 

ETA: I was just asked a very interesting question -- "Is this all you value yourself?" Which is true -- charging more and getting students means they may be more comitted to the lessons and pricing higher shows how much QUALITY and TALENT I have. But I felt, today, that there are so many people out there that would benefit who are on disability or just don't have the funds, and I really wanted them to be able to participate. And I'm hoping there are a number of people who CAN pay $10 (or $12 or $15 *grin) to cover those who can only afford $5. 

Plus, this is a Journaling Deep lesson, which is a paid class in itself. I DO value myself, and my work, but also want to help people! I'm thinking of expanding this lesson, so if you like it, start saving, because we're going to have a LOT of fun!