Today was my first day back into the creative fray after heading off to an art retreat and getting through the post-event fibro flare. I totally budgeted this time into my trip, and had a ton of fun teaching various ICE Resin techniques and gelli printing!
But after a week of rest and self-care, I was itching to get back into the studio and play! I had a crazy idea to cut up an older painting on wood just like a piece of painted paper, except with the added fun of danger! Don't worry...I was being safe while working with the jigsaw. It is so much fun and I can't wait to keep practicing so my circles are a little less...wonky.
I'm also working on some new paintings, and working with reference images and planning out colors to use. This is different than how I usually work, but I've been wanting to create stories in my paintings, rather than just faces or collage, so it's really stretching my abilities...we'll see how it goes!
And, last week, I went out and did something I've wanted to for a long my nose pierced! I figured it was a good way to finish up the last year of my twenties. I'd always been so scared to do it, but took the plunge. I love it, especially when wearing my hair up with earrings!