I've been dealing with a flare up, and just wasn't able to really create yesterday. I have tons of older pics that have yet to be shared, but I feel like they're all for longer posts I'd like to write, and when you don't have much energy, the last thing you want to do is a long, complicated blog post!
But I said I'm going to blog every day, and I'm gonna stick with it! I was feeling a little better today, so I ran off to the studio to finish up some paintings...and ended up staying for a few hours (and I'm glad I brought some projects home with me so I can take it easy tomorrow!).
I'm totally in Writing a Class Mode - turning the magic I've been spinning in my journals lately into a class others can follow is a challenge, since I work intuitively, but I really know this class could be amazing. I did a little demo of it for an open studio a few weeks ago, and everyone had fun! And my studio mate has been dropping hints...
(And if you're totally ready for it, plus the next Friendly Faces class, have you checked your email for the All Access Pass offer?)
Also, I'm working on a post about using gouache since I've gotten so many comments on my gouache pages. Gail's given me a great email of questions, so please send along your own -- about gouache or anything else you've seen me use! -- and I'll do my best to answer! I've gotten some lovely messages about living with fibromyalgia and staying productive, and wow are you guys sweet! I'm always here to chat!
Of course, the spread and little canvas aren't finished yet at all..I've been experimenting with Next Steps to see how far I can push myself and my art; I'll share it tomorrow, as there's never good light to take pics at night in here!
Here's that bigger canvas finished, though. I adore it. It's available, BTW...I'll be listing it on Etsy this weekend, but you can drop me an email if you're interested!
Find Flight - 12"x12" mixed media on canvas