I wrote this whole long meandering blog post where it took me roughly eight pages to get to the point, and then I realized how weird I sounded, and slightly insecure, so here's the new, shorter, to-the-point post.
Today, I read Connie's great blog post about how she runs her (awesomely successful) online business:
"The way I run my business is when I hear to do something in my heart--I do it.
When I hear to no longer do something--I stop doing it."
She then goes on to say that she's not afraid to fail. Well, I am. At least I used to be. Probably still am.
Point: time to follow my own True North. To do what Connie does and focus on what makes my heart sing and stop doing what doesn't.
I'm going to be doing more videos for YouTube. Woohoo! Why? Because that's my True North. My place of fun and contentment and challenge. Doing videos for someone else, getting to shoot in a wonderful space with both my cameras, voice over and music….love. Just love. Tomorrow, I'm scoping out locations to shoot, and remind you of the New Economy (such as, Samie-Needs-Some-Equipment).
(By the way, I've decided that all investors in the new economy get a copy of my monthly art journaling and personal growth 'zine, Warrior Call.)
Painting, video diary, regular series. I love the way that sounds. Makes my heart sing. So I'm going to do it.
Grab the artwork above in my newly-updated Etsy shop! I'll be adding a new print each week!