On Friday, Tangie hosted a fangirl art journal slumber party, and I just HAD to pick the Avengers, right? Like, no contest.
I've never done a themed art journal before, or prepped all the pages beforehand, so all I have to show of that journal are vaguely-related painted spreads for my favorite characters. But I did carve some stamps while I was waiting for paint to dry. From the top, we have Captain America, then Iron Man next to the wing for Bucky Barnes (from the arm of his WWII era jacket, and I love him so!), then Thor's hammer, Black Widow's symbol from her belt, and crossed arrows for Hawkeye.
Sorry, Bruce...I ran out of stamp carving material before I could make yours. Please don't get angry?
(This has been a report from Samie is a Huge Fangirl Who Loves Comic Books. Yay for art + fandom! The other ladies did journals for Scandal, Charmed, Downton Abbey, The Voice, & Sherlock.)