The thrill of a challenge...daily drawing = awesome!



For the past 22 days, I've been drawing based on a list of prompts I wrote for 30 Days of Friendly Faces. 

I can't say they're all marvelous; there's no pressure like knowing you're supposed to be drawing an example for others to learn from. But I've always been the type of person thrilled by a challenge, and this is no exception.  

Because no one draws perfect or good every time. We all have off days. I know I do. Some of these were drawn at 11pm after a long day of errands or painting or being sick. In fact, I was really sick for five days and all I could do was one little drawing in between sleep and watching movies from the couch.  

That's the lovely thing about a challenge, and being accountable. Even when you don't want to, when you feel like giving up, you push through and surprise yourself. My little red storybook may have quick doodles, but it has 68 days of words and secrets and lessons learned and instead of trying to catch up and paint in all those days, I can paint today's, and tomorrow's, and keep going forward.  


 (You can always join us! Start on your schedule and begin illustrating your life!)