I knew this time was coming -- the day I went into the studio to work on my new abstract series and would hate the colors and canvases and journal pages I made.
This is helpful to the entire process, though; I make notes in my art journal about the colors I enjoy and the ones I dislike, and the more I play and experiment, the better I get to know myself. I'm nearing the end of the process, though, as I've narrowed down what I enjoy, and even have canvases I've hung around my apartment because catching sight of them in the corner of my eye brings me great joy. They're little bits that boost my mood; I've been dealing with a deeper-than-ever depression as of late, and need every bit of positive emotion I can clutch in my hands.
The lack of blog updates doesn't mean I haven't been hard-at-work. I finished a commissioned painting last week that I'm dying to share (but am waiting until the owner gets it so I don't spoil the surprise!) & have another traveling halfway around the world -- I love seeing paintings woosh from the studio. It tells the depression that the lies about my Etsy shop collecting dust are just that -- lies. I'd love to do more commissions, though, and that little painting above is available, too!
No, instead, I have an iPhoto album full of in-process paintings & journal pages. I take a lot of pictures while I'm working, but then come home and doodle in the Red Storybook until bedtime. I need to make a schedule of some kind, figure out an easy way to blog. I have been using my Tumblr more as of late -- I think the ease of posting a picture and a little caption appeals to less-energy & more-fatigued-from-CFS me. You can follow me over there if you'd like, as I also post & reblog inspiring art or resources I find along the way.
I thought for today I'd share my workspace at the studio. This is where I normally can be found for a handful of hours each day. i've taken to standing because my back hurts less, and I can dance around to music...though Tangie and her family have startled me on more than one occasion, so maybe I should turn the volume down!
I had the most amazing time playing with this canvas...I just put on some high-energy songs and made a mess....let the music move my brush, did big marks, sprayed water, used spray paint (Liquitex, which is low oder and real acrylic!) & kept flipping it around!
This is one of the canvases I did and disliked, so I decided to have some fun and just see where it went. It went here, to a mermaid girl. She'll have a fake fin, as I'm really into exploring disabled fairy tale characters ATM.
This is what was behind the easel. I'd been paging through my art journal to make notes on colors, what worked, what didn't, and seeing what my palette of colors looked like. Journals are for more than pretty pages -- take note of your creative endeavors so you can make more things you love!
I've also been doing more calligraphy, and wanted to share one of the little things I made -- I'll have more tomorrow (saying this will keep me honest & posting!).
Painted & written and then assembled in Photoshop. I just love how it looks, layered over bits from my art journal! If only they made a white brush pen!
That's what I've been up to so far this week...what about you?