I honestly cannot believe I drew this! And on an iPad, no less! I've never tried to draw expressions, or done an open mouth before! My sketching methods on the iPad are a bit different than in real life, so to speak, and I'm becoming more comfortable playing around and creating portraits/faces. Eeee!
When I posted a progress shot of this one on Instagram, I got a few questions that I'll answer here.
What program are you using?
I'm using Paper, by FiftyThree, on an iPad. I have a Pogo Sketch Pro stylus (but am considering running off and grabbing one of those fancy brush styluses!).
What about non-digital art? Why are you focusing on this? What does this mean for your paint and ink?
I still do a LOT of work off the iPad. See, I started playing in Paper, inspired by my sister-friend Carissa, and was hooked. While the colors and media layer almost like non-digital, it is a different process, and for me, when it's later in the evening and I'm tired and just want to pop in a DVD and snuggle with puppies on my couch, much more accessible than pulling out a bunch of supplies. Plus, it's a new media for me, and one I want to explore and play with. I'm much more comfortable playing with color, mixing, and shading, and feel that the fact that I can't erase as I can off the iPad means it's looser, imperfect, and just plain fun.
Don't forget to leave your questions in the comments! I'll see ya tomorrow with a new one!