{vid: dynamic watercolor backgrounds & ink girl drawings 1/3}

Alright! Here's part one. It's the basics....the thoughts behind the project, basic supplies, thoughts, random ramblings..... I don't know why it's so small; I promise to figure this out and have the actual demonstrative parts larger so you can see what's going on! Next part up Wednesday! And I'll be back tomorrow with some new journal pages and the paintings I've done thus far for Saturday's Art Crawl. love, kira

{general vid stuff...}

 I was going to film a video on the stenciling I've been doing (I even got some new supplies!), but my cold's morphed into something a bit worse, and I've been corralled to the couch by some heavy-duty meds. Thankfully, they're starting to work, and I should be better by this weekend.

Are there any questions you'd like answered? Any stuff in specific you'd like me to cover? Let me know in the comments so I can research anything I don't know beforehand.

Also, I have a vid on Coptic binding and one on watercolor crayons waiting to be edited...still interested? I haven't worked on them because I don't have any room on my laptop for the in-progress video & timeline; I was going to delete the music off here because it's on my iPod...and then my iPod got stolen at work. Anyone have a spare external hard drive they'd like to donate? I miss making my vids!