I uploaded this yesterday, but didn’t post about it — and some of you found it already!
Here’s what I have on my table at all times, and I carry it with me if I want to make art elsewhere in my house. Because I don’t have a lot of extra energy (spoons!), I don’t want to have to pull out a lot of supplies or make a mess I’ll have to clean up at the end because I’m usually dead tired at that point (most art making happens before bed). So I decided to really look at what supplies I was reaching for the most, put together a little kit, and that’s what I use! No big bin of supplies pulled out. No mess. I use water brushes and watercolors so there isn’t any clean up, and I can paint in bed without worrying about ruining the sheets!
Limitations on supplies can actually force you to think outside the box and discover new ways to create! I really recommend creating something like this — everything’s on hand and within reach! If you do, let me know so I can come see!
I want to thank you all for the comments and likes and such. I was slightly apprehensive about posting again, wondering if anyone was still paying attention to this space, but you all have made me feel so welcome to be back to blogging and making videos!
So, what should I make a video about this weekend?
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