You were wild once


For some reason, taking a picture of our artwork and then playing with it more, is just so fun!

yesterday saw me cleaning out bookcases and weeding out my collection. I'd already gotten rid of 70% of my blook collection when me moved here from Chicago, so you'd think having to cull down the contents even further would be hard. 

It was easy, but more in that later.

In this collection were a bunch of manga and magazine and travel guides. Travel guides! And nestled back, behind the college-level books on geisha history I love the read, was my little scrapbook. It's mostly pictures, with locations written down, and most paper things taped in with packing tape or paper clips, but it's a little book of memories.

I say all this to lead to the pink haired girl that leaped off the page. I feel like she's giving me some additude, a younger me who wore all the weird clothes and make up trends. I had to not do that on my trip, so take a picture of me and Meg at the Teahouse of Ritsurin Garden in Takamatsuo, Japan, 9 years ago. 


My very first #tbt, even though it's now Friday. My problem is I come to bed early and play and such! It helps to tire out my pup!

Anyway, who is she? That girl I see and recognize. If I try, I can close my eyes and BE there, my own time machine, memory is. I remember sitting out on the deck running around the Teahouse, eyes closed, just listening to the koi in the water and the way the water was running...the little cup that's always around stomping an even beat. The mountains were covered in green. Just barely, at the edge of my hearing, were the low murmurs of daily life, ready and waiting for when we got back. 

What I really remember is the sense of peace and love I felt, looking over the water. I was in the middle of living a really big dream, and yet, I felt calm. Centered. Like a new space was made in my soul to help me later on, when it all came crashing down. 

At least I have My Moment to use to reconnect before I lay pen to paper. Goodbye crazy dressing, Japanese fashion magazine reading Kira. I learned so many things.

Now, I'm in charge of my life, and this little group of fellow travelers joining us on the Art Journal Re-Connect on my Ning network. We talked a little about supplies. Also!  You can tag your pics #30pages30days. I love sharing! And I'm purging supplies this month, so I think I can make prizes be involved!

Enough from me! I want to see what YOUR page looks like!   


And yes, there are church notes under her hair that I should probably transfer somewhere safer.

Here's your closing thought. Maybe it can be a prompt for tomorrow. I love little quotes or ideas, and this one I want to paint on the wall with big red letters:

You were wild once, don’t let them tame you.


Source: http://