Here's to Heart to Art #3! What was in my heart?
Experimenting with color.
This week, I want you to print your collage sheet and think about what colors would go with the dark greens and green gold. Or maybe you want to take the pink section and match things there!
The point is - play with color.
Find the edge of your comfort zone and push past it. Allow yourself to paint over things. In the video, I talk about how many layers went into the background...each was liked until I changed the girl's hair, and I had to paint over what was already there. I love how a journal page evolves. I've become a big fan of lots of layers; a woman looking at my journal once commented that every time she saw the pages, she saw something new. I love that. It means I've done my job -- I've sparked curiosity & wonder in someone.
There are so many ideas in my head these days, balls of creativity floating in my mind. I wish I could reach up and grab one. But some days are harder than others, and I have to fight and claw myself out of the hole of my depression and anxiety. This isn't to say I'm not joyous and grateful each day, because I am. But as a friend said, I'm learning to live again. I never knew a mental battle could be just as exhausting as a physical one, but they really are.
So I encourage you to work in your art journal this weekend, even if you don't feel like it. It was hard for me to sit down and create, and I often have to take breaks. But get back to it. There's a lot to be discovered under the surface if you're willing to go on the journey.
Let's get back to living, creating, & living joyous lives!