I took a little time for me today.
That may sound silly -- I get to create for a living! But the truth of the matter is, I'm usually working on pages and projects for others, and don't really get to sit down and play. Do something for me. I really should work this into my day, and I do get to write in the evenings; I really missed it. I put in my headphones, turned on good music, and just said,
"World, I am taking a break for a few minutes. I'll be back."
And picked up a canvas.
I love working on paintings. I often start with a quote or idea, then build up the layers from there. This one's surprised me with how it seems to just be coming together on its own. I haven't done a painting like this on such a tiny canvas before, so I'm learning as I go along how to put things together. As I look at it now, I realize I don't have any room for the writing I want to do -- I'll probably end up covering the tree.
But that's OK. It all is OK. I'm playing and experimenting and trying to figure things out. Does my girl look odd, maybe. But that's how I draw. You can draw perfect faces or realistic portraits, but I'll stick with my illustration style. I adore it. I can speak through it. This is me -- how I'd like to be, what I strive to be. And this is my world as I see it. No one will ever experience this piece as I do, but if it does anything once I finish -- if one single person is touched or gets the message -- then my work is done.
Time to head to the post office, put together kits for others, do a little extra for a new contact, go out for coffee. Take photos for a short piece, email an editor, and then, maybe, get to my journal.
Thank God for weekends.
(And Fridays, for Fringe. *bounces*)
PS. I've uploaded to Flickr, so you can once again click through to see the larger size. Also, sorry for the blurry-ness...I snapped these with my phone while working!