strathmore journal giveaway winner & offerings question

Congrats, Marylin! I decided to pick up a 5.5"x8.5" journal so you could have some more fun with the paper! 

I should have a new video up by Friday! 


My camera died while I was filming this week's Journaling Deep tutorial video (it said it was 3/4 full! what a liar!); that's why I created the GIF for the give-away winner. Just trying something new! 

I posted about my sketching tools on my Tumblr this afternoon


I'm also reading through the revised edition of Gwen Bell's Reverb and thought I'd do one of the exercises and ask:

What is missing in my paid offerings? 

What are you looking for that I'm not offering?

What would you like to learn & feel comfortable not only exchanging money for, but maybe talking to your friends about?


You can answer in comments down below or send me an email about it. I'd really love to hear what you have to say. After reading through the responses to my questionnaire, I feel like I know you all better, and while I have some ideas, it's best to simply ask!