I'm here!

Woe. I've been neglectful for a bit, haven't I? So sorry. I've been working on some projects here in KiraLand and never thought that maybe all you would like to see them. So, tell me:

What do you want to see?

While I read blogs myself, I look for different things than other people. What is it you look for in a blog? What would you like to see? I'm just curious, myself, as to what others are thinking.

One of these days, I'm going to get the two (yes, 2!) videos I've filmed done and posted. I swear. The 'zine's sucking up my time, but I'm having a blast. It's going to be at least twice as long as the first two!

Know I am here, adore you all, and will always answer an email.

<3 Kira

A Contact FYI

Ack. Last weekend, my breaks went; apparently, whoever replaced them a few years ago didn't do it right, so they went MUCH earlier than they should have. The unexpected expense has drained me, so I can't pay to reinstate my journalgirl.com domain & email address.

You can ALWAYS find me at: http://samanthakira.typepad.com

And can ALWAYS email me at: kiraboshi [at] gmail.com

I won't be able to get the domain services back until Friday. If you've sent me something in the last two days via journalgirl.com, I ask that you please re-send to the above email.


a few notes of note

A few notes:

  • I called Apple, and I wasn't covered for an extended time since I bought my computer through my college. Which means they're not going to replace it. Right now, as I'm working on trying to get back on the horse re:paying my bills, I have NO money, which means you won't be seeing any new vids, pictures, or prompts from me any time soon. Yes, I have the birthday hope. It is my only glimmer of hope ATM.
  • Page by Page #3 is going to be delayed. I originally intended to get it out on April 1st; since I can't get to my computer and files, I can't even start on the layout. I am toying with doing this one all by hand & with my typewriter, but since I can't upload, edit, or print photos, I don't know how it'll go. Right now, I'm so in the hole, I can't even pick up my roll of LOMO photos.

  • Contributors! Articles were due yesterday (except Kathy & Dawn). I've gotten one. I still can access my email and print B&W from this computer (the old home everyone-uses-it one), so PLEASE get things in to me so I can at least try to work on the next issue. I want to stay as true to my release date as possible and make this the best issue yet!

  • I have all the prompts for February done, as well as March. I might write up these essays and combine them with the "class" I've had in my head for while into a single-issue 'zine. Don't know yet. We'll see how nice my handwriting is and if I get things down clearly. I'm such a horrible speller, too...

Generally trying to stay optimistic about everything, but who knows? Am still creating journal pages like crazy and havin' some fun with new techniques, etc. I've started doing more illustration work as well, trying to stay on-track with Illustration Friday. Hehe. It's actually a lot of fun!

<3 Kira

a note, quickly!

I have finally figured out why the buttons weren't working over on Page by Page's site: Wordpress. The very reason I switched to TypePad in the first place. I've put up a new little shop here; the PbP domain will re-direct, so hopefully, this will make things easier for everyone.

Today, I officially found a cutter! No more slicing those things by hand! I was so happy, I almost started to cry in the print shop.

(I don't like the 'zine being on etsy because you have to have a solid quantity; plus, there are 20 copies in back-stock, and that's a lot to list there.)