{points of two week #36: pockets!}


Points of Two is an experiment in journaling with myself and Roben Marie! Check out our archives to see the previous weeks' pages.

Yep, pockets and pouches! I have these great half-moon enclosures and I love using them whenever I can. So I made one pretty and made a page pretty...

...and then realized I wasn't really into it.

Not making art. Just that I felt like I was going through the motions, doing what I have been doing, creating not a journal page, but working to make a piece of Art. So I had to step away and really think about what I was feeling and how I could get it out on the page.

The little tree stamp kinda helped me through it! So I wrote and glued things down and started doing things I haven't for awhile since I've been working on the loose canvas pieces. It isn't the best page I've made, or the most artistic, but I feel like something that's been stuck inside of me has begun to loosen, and isn't that what this is all about in the long run?

Here's Roben-Marie's page!