AH! I have a blog! Between working on Daring Adventures in Paint (which is awesome, btw, and if you want to paint more & be inspired, I recommend it!)​, keeping up with Digital Adventures, getting Creative Warriors all set for May, & my own need to PAINT ALL THE THINGS (especially with spray paint), I am a crazy woman on the edge of I CAN DO IT / OMG WHAT IS FREE TIME. *laughs* A good fencepost to be balancing on, yes!

I promise to share the deets of my impromptu and magical adventures in Berkeley and San Francisco (not limited to Public Transit is Confusing, Did I Really Get a Ride from a Stranger, Blick Owns My Heart, FACE TO FACE OMG, Magical Artists, & more!)​ this weekend, but for today, I wanted to share an important message. 

Prompted by a comment made by a friend, I filmed this intro for Creative Warrior's April project, and felt it was too important not to share....I even choked up while I was editing. ​I've done a LOT of work on myself, and know what it feels like to feel lazy, useless, or a waste because you need to CHILL OUT and REST (two things that are VERY good for you!). But THEY AREN'T TRUE. YOU ARE WORTHY AND WONDERFUL. So view my video below. 

I'm also sharing a piece I finished today that will be up in the Etsy shop as prints on Monday. ​

Now, I shall attempt to tackle my inbox. *winces but is brave!*​


Walk In Truth -- speed art journal page video

Yesterday, I received a message from a dear reader who's been around for a bit; you may not think it, but I notice the names as I see likes and comments and notes on the blog, ​consider you friends -- without all you, I'd still be a girl making art for herself, not a woman discovering her deeper self and sharing that with the world. 

Darling Rita has cancer, and is beating out her doctor's estimates. She wrote the longest, sweetest message, about her memory in the future (and I must take more time to process and think and dream), and one of the things she mentioned was that she missed me on YouTube. ​

I make a LOT of videos you don't see if you're not enrolled in classes. And I do work for clients, now, doing CHA releases and demo videos and e-classes for others, so YouTube has fallen behind, yes. But Rita's message is the same as others -- and yes, my last test was shaky (sorry!) and this one may be a little unstable (I created a new rigging for my camera; I test with YouTube and perfect for classes/clients!), but I hope to do more little things, tips and peeks and maybe one of these longer videos whenever I can. ​

But! A lot of this spread is stuff I haven't shared. Stuff I have only just figured out -- my colors and style and what goes where and how it the point I want to go DEEPER with all this....I'm not just trying to find what works but HOW. ​

Feel free to ask questions in the comments and I will try my best to answer them! ​
