I am really cutting it close, here, aren't I!? I don't like doing two posts in one day, so I want to get this one up before midnight so I can post my little essay on my experience working on the quilt today for tomorrow. And then Friday is Points of Two and then it's the weekend. Woohoo! We're in full-on packing mode here in the Casa de Kira (or de la? I don't know!), so my creative time is in-between purging closets, cabinets, and dressers.

[watch me create this page: 9/28/10 live vlog recording ]
Here's the finished journal page from yesterday's vlog. I only got a chance to work on it while watching the Daily Show as I spent my free time sewing!
I am really, REALLY in love with the look & feel of this page. And the fact that I didn't use ANY PAINT really gets me -- and shows me how much beauty you can create even with the most limited of materials.
And what the page says is true: I've never been a big fan of fall! It always meant the beginning of the school year and end of warm temperatures to me, the foreshadowing of snow to come. And so, whenever I saw decorations for fall/Halloween pop up in stores, I was like -- UGH!
While getting ready this morning, I realized the REAL reason I never was comfortable with fall. At the beginning of the summer, there's just so much possibility on the horizon -- so many plans you can make, places to go, experiences to be had. Commercials and ads show us beautiful people laughing while enjoying the outdoors and the company of friends. There simply are no limits to what can be accomplished during the summer.
And then, fall comes sweeping in on a cool breeze and we're back to our stable, normal lives. As if we can ONLY be spontaneous and fun while the sun is the hottest. While many people take vacations and go to exciting spots, I haven't been able to do so in a few years. Sure, I have picnics and see friends, but am always left feeling depressed as summer ends because I feel I never lived up to the season's potential.
As I'm packing up to move, though, I've finally become comfortable with fall. Maybe it's because where I'm moving to won't have the chilly fun snow time characteristic of Chicago winters -- you have to admit I'm fleeing to a place where summer may live most of the year, and maybe, just maybe, that means there's more room to have those adventures seen on the glossy pages of a magazine...
I do find myself loving the color palette, though!