Experiments In Color & Magic


I find certain magic happens in those last minutes we're in our art spaces - when there's paint left on the palette that we just can't waste, paper we'd usually never use but have close by, when there isn't much time left and we want to squeeze out the most creative juice we can before playtime is over. 

If you follow my Instagram feed (or Facebook), you get a little peek into my process (and usually the mess I make while playing!); I take a LOT of pictures while working - to gain perspective on what I'm doing, to document the process so I can repeat it, and yes...to have blog photos!  

Anyway, over the next week, I'll be sharing the work I've been giddy over - stuff I look at when I'm done and can't help but smile. It's awesome when we create art journal pages we love, but it's brilliant when we can't stop making more!  

I decided to stick with a set color palette for two sessions. Why? To see all the different ways I could incorporate the colors! I wanted to see how they behave as part of my own little class on color theory and experimentation!  



Here are the colors I used:

neon red/teal green/bright aqua green/yellow ocher/dark titanium white/white

Oh, and to paint with? Catalyst tools! Just the small and medium of the grey tools, and the blue wedge. That's it!  

Here are some progress shots of my first experiments with this all! 



And here are two finished paintings! Final details were added with gouache & I pulled out the silver leaf! I was working on ledger paper and half-finished canvases in the studio...and don't be afraid to mess something up in order to keep playing! 




Both are available, and I'll be making prints soon! 

Friday, I'll have more eye candy for you all!  


The Red Storybook Weeks #4 & 5

The first few weeks of The Red Storybook were amazing, and then week 4 hit and I drew, but I didn't do it well, and never colored anything. Okay, I didn't color half of week 3, either, but hey! I had weekends! I could catch up easily, right?


It's so hard to catch up when you also have that day's entry to do, and I've spent the past two weeks trying to catch up and stay on top of current entries. It was tough. But I have gotten to a point where I'm comfortable moving on. Oh, sure, I could spend forever and a day improving previous entries and getting into the details, but that isn't the point. I need to let go and move forward. 

I've already seen an improvement with how I work with the gouache, have added in colored pencils, and it's getting a bit easier to figure out what my illustration style really is. It's also awesome to be able to look back and see my weeks stack up -- I'm into the 40's, now, and can't believe I've cleared nearly half of February! 

I've also been working on a Massive Gouache Q&A post, as well as a How I Do This & With What post, and now that I'm caught up and posting all these spreads, will be back to regular blogging. 

(I'm always blogging on my Tumblr, which now has more art than Sherlock GIFs, and a few posts I haven't shared anywhere else even Instagram.) 


I'm goofy in love with some work I've done recently, including art journal messes made today, so this week's blogging will be more than just my silly drawings and words...(how else do we improve, though, but through doing and doing often?) 

Also, Friendly Faces is all up for self-study with some pretty satisfied students! 

And the winners are....

Thank you ALL for your lovely comments! There is so many favorite, varied techniques in the comment thread over there, you should really check it out

The winners are:


Beth Lunney 


Diana Caho!

Congrats, ladies! Your books & little gifts will be in the post Friday!

Thanks again to everyone who commented & said they'd be grabbing a copy & congratulated me. I wouldn't have gotten here without all of you! ♥♥♥

Thoughts Like Wispy Clouds (from the studio)

Here are a bunch of random thoughts & photos…


Last week, just before I left the studio for the weekend, I mounted a gelli print I adore to a canvas and set it to dry under a heavy box of paints (Monday and Tuesday were a jumbled mess of doctors’ appointments, so I didn’t have a chance to hit the studio). Pulling it out today, I realized I love it too much to paint over it, even a little bit. 

And then, whispered in my ear, I heard oh darling how I love you! 


I got my new-old journal last week as well — I found this book in a thrift store, when I wasn’t even looking, for $2! I had to show the girls right away, and asked Tangie’s husband Dave, who is super talented at bookbinding, to rebind in some watercolor paper. I’ve been art journaling for years, and this is the first time I’ve found one of these! 

(If you want an uber-awesome journal, you should totally hit up their Etsy shop!)

The cover was kind of lacking, so I decided to paint in some of the details with my acrylic gouache. Yes, it took a really small brush and lots of patience, but the end result was so worth it! 



Am I the only person who finds tons of cool scraps and pictures that would be awesome to collage in my art journal, but they never make it in, so they just pile up? I found the pile beautiful. Now if I could just start gluing them into my journal and get them off my table, that’d be great. 


Final thought: what do I do next? I adore this piece, but don’t know what should come next. Handwriting? Drawing? Girl? What would you do?